Call for Academic Papers\ Call for Research Papers: - 2024 volume 7 issue 4 - July - August:- International Journal of Applied Science and Research [IJASR]

International Journal of Applied Science and Research [IJASR] is multidisciplinary double-blind peer-reviewed, open-access journal intended to publish original research papers in all main branches of science (All scientific disciplines) a peer reviewed refereed bimonthly journal that publishes empirical, conceptual and review papers of exceptional quality that contribute to enrich business administration thinking .The objective of the Journal is to disseminate knowledge, which ensures good practice of professional management and its focal point is on research and reflections relevant to academicians and practicing managers/Administrators for sustainable Applied Science and Research changes.

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1. Productive Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Broiler Chickens Supplied with Tamarind (Tamarindus indica) Pulp Water During Hot Season in Mubi Area, Nigeria

1 Augustine, C., 1 Sarki, I., Abaya, Y., 1 Mojaba, D.I. 2 Toma, I. and 3 Danladi, Y.


ABSTRACT: Heat stress is one of the major environmental factors affecting the productivity and survival of broiler chickens in the North east region of Nigeria. Tamarindus indica (T. indica) fruit pulp is an alternative cheaper plant product with the potential to mitigate heat stress in broiler chickens. An experiment was conducted for 21 days to evaluate the effects of T.indica fruit pulp solution on the productive performance and carcass characteristics of broiler chickens during heat period (March to April, 2024) in Mubi area of Adamawa State, Nigeria. The experiment consist of five treatments, the first treatment has zero supplementation anti-stress T1 (0 g/L), second treatment has commercial anti-stress T2 (CAS) in water, while treatments three, four and five (T3, T4 and T5) contain clean dried T. indica fruit pulp soaked in water for 24 hours at room temperature at concentrations of 10, 20 and 30 g/L, respectively and thereafter sieved to obtained the T. indica fruit pulp solution that was supplied to the chickens. A total of 150 four weeks old broiler chickens were randomly allotted to the treatments in a Completely Randomized Design replicated three times with 10 broiler chickens each. The result of productive performance revealed significant variation (P<0.05) except for the total and daily feed intake. The highest weight gain and the best feed conversion ratio were recorded in T5 (2250 g) and (2.05) while the worst feed conversion ratio was observed in T1 (3.15). The carcass characteristics were not significantly (P<0.05) affected by the treatments except for the wings which indicated higher values in T3 (7.05%), T4 (7.22%) and T5 (7.17%). However, the dressing percentage of the broiler chickens ranged from 76.6 to 78.20%. It was concluded from this study that T. indica fruit pulp can be supplemented in drinking water of broiler chickens up to 30 g/L without compromising the productive performance and carcass characteristics of broiler chickens and is therefore the recommended level for combating heat stress in broiler chickens.

Keyword: Performance, Heat stress, tamarind and hot season

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01-05 download
2. Integrating Pathanjali yoga sutras in Education Settings.

Madushani Hansani Wickramathantri, Professor Yaparathne Weerasekara


ABSTRACT: The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, one of the texts in the yoga tradition, represent a profound framework of personal development that encompasses ethical guidelines, mental disciplines, and meditative practices. This paper outlines the application of these ancient teachings in a modern educational setting with a view toward holistic development in students. The qualitative approach of the study was supported by in-depth case studies of schools that had integrated Patanjali's Yoga Sutras into their curriculum. Data collection occurred through interviews with educators, students, and parents, and observation of classroom practices and extracurricular activities. Findings pointed out attentionenhanced concentration, reduced stress, and emotional intelligence enrichment among their students. Educators reported a much more orderly classroom and greater student engagement. The following are the three key strategies that will be implemented: mindfulness practices, ethical discussions, and yoga exercises used within daily routines. These practices help in developing a reflective mindset, which increases clarity of mind, emotional stability, and ethical behavior. This research has illustrated how the practice of the Yoga Sutras can actually make all the difference in the educational experience. Use of Patañjali's Yoga Sutras in education would imply their implementation in the learning environment to improve physical, mental, and spiritual health. Patañjali's Yoga Sutras are an all-inclusive guide in personal growth and self-improvement; this fabric of learning can be woven into the goals of the education sector, which are aimed at holistic growth. Of more relevance are the aspects that show very close relations to the Yoga Sutras, which are the Ashtanga, or Eight Limbs, of yoga. These, therefore, feature ethical disciplines-the Yamas and Niyamas; physical postures, the Asanas; breath control, the Pranayama; sense withdrawal, the Pratyahara; concentration, the Dharana; meditation, the Dhyana; and absorption, the Samadhi. The translation into an educational context would be practices that bring mindfulness, self-regulation of character, and emotional intelligence. For example, Yama and Niyama can be used in developing character education and instilling values of non-violence, truthfulness, and self-purification. Asanas could be adopted into physical education programs to develop the physical health of students and de-stress them. Introduce some pranayama techniques which will help the student in keeping his anxiety at bay and concentrating on studies. Meditation practices like Dhyana could be incorporated to enhance concentration and build an atmosphere that is conducive to a peaceful learning environment. Moreover, the teaching of this syllabus helps to develop self-awareness and gurus to be resilient. The principles of Yoga Sutras can be used in the learning environment to help educators design a balanced system focused on developing not only learners' minds but also their emotional and spiritual upliftment. On the basis of Patañjali's Yoga Sutras, balanced education can be fostered, in which individuals will emerge from such educational systems with clarity of mind, a compassionate heart, and peace within to help people overcome the turmoils of modernity.

Keyword: Pathanjali’s Yoga Sutras, Education, Holistic development, Mindfulness, Emotional Intelligence, Ethical behaviour, student engagement, Classroom environment, Mental clarity, Stress reduction

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06-10 download
3. RESPONSE the Giving of IAA (Indol-3-asetic acid) Concentration on Tobacco Plant Production (Nicotiana tabacum L) Local Variety Payakumbuh

Fefriyanti DS 1, Mamang Wahyudi 2, Delni Alex Candra 3


ABSTRACT: Tobacco is a botanical species that yields goods of a refined and elaborate character. The quality level is contingent upon the individual preferences of each purchaser. Tobacco is a distinctive and gratifying commodity that lacks a universal accepted worldwide standard, unlike other agricultural goods. One significant determinant influencing tobacco plants throughout the cultivation phase of the crops. The incorporation of growth regulators in the manufacturing process is a factor that warrants consideration. Auxin is a ubiquitous hormone synthesised in plant tissues during periods of active division. Auxin plays a crucial part in the cellular processes of division, expansion, and specialisation. Auxin type IAA has emerged as a viable choice for application. The present study used a fully randomised design, including four treatment levels: 0, 100ppm, 200ppm, and 300ppm IAA concentration. The measurements under investigation in this study encompass leaf width, leaf length, fresh weight, and overall crop yield at the time of harvest. Analysis of the harvest findings at 60 days after planting (DAP) and 75 DAP reveals variations in leaf width and leaf length. However, no differences are detected at 90 DAP. There were no significant differences seen in the fresh weight and overall yield of the crops in terms of total leaf weight and plant weight.

Keyword: Consentration Giving IAA, indigenous cultivars, tobacco plants

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4. GIS mapping of geo-materials for road construction in Cameroon case of the sections YAOUNDE - BONIS, D'ESSE - EDZENDOUN and OVENG - GABON BORDERS

WOUNBA Jean Francois 1, ELIME BOUBOAMA Aime 2, NGANOU Marco Jessie 3, NKENG George Elambo 4, MVONDO FANGA Aubin Loic 5.


ABSTRACT: Context: The State of Cameroon has initiated various projects to develop road, motorway and port infrastructure. The quality of the materials used is of paramount importance to ensure the durability of these works. Detailed and accurate mapping of the geo-materials used in road construction in Cameroon plays a key role in enabling effective and sustainable infrastructure planning while preserving natural resources. Objective: The main objective of this work was to use the possibilities offered by Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to map and quantify the borrowing areas and quarries along three major road sections: Yaoundé-Bonis, EsseEdzendouan, and Oveng-border of Gabon, located in the Central and Southern regions. Material and method: To achieve this objective, the methodology was based on the identification of road sections, the in situ visit of quarries as well as the sites of borrowing on these sections, the materials, mapping of borrowing areas and development of a database. Results: The main results achieved were the mapping of the borrowing and career areas along the N10 and N15 National Highway in the Central region and along the N17B National Highway in the Southern region. During this study, the residual quantities of geo-materials were determined for each extraction area. Conclusion: These maps should help optimize the use of geo-materials in road construction, which can help reduce costs, improve road sustainability and promote regional economic development.

Keyword:Cartography, Geographic Information System, Geo-materials, Road construction

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1 Engr.O. Egonwa., 2 Prof. Eke James, 3 E. Kenekayoro, 4 Engr. E.A. Ahmed, 5 Engr. Emmanuel Okekenwa


ABSTRACT: This work puts out a proactive plan for stopping electricity thefts. A cyber security layer based on a unique Monkey-Banana Deceptive Algorithm (MBDA) for intrusion detection is used to reach the prevention phase. This algorithm was created by first presenting each stage to scenarios and then formulating a probability assignment model. It is based on the well-known 5 or 8-monkey theory. After that, the algorithm for detecting intrusion in the SEMs communication gateway is developed using MBDA probability assignment. Selected power theft-related indicators are then modelled to strengthen the prevention phase by creating a set of criteria to estimate the level of security risk. The MBDA was implemented using a self-generated assault, and the level of prevention is determined by the FIS model's output. Based on the conditions of the monitored metrics, the anomaly and confirmation models are applied to justify real fraudulent consumers. Implementing this proactive plan will improve real-time SEM protection, reduce reliance on energy consumption data analytics, lower false positive rates, do away with the practice of bogus financial sanctions, and greatly reduce the need for labour-intensive on-site customer-tocustomer inspections, saving time, money, and stress by 95%. In a smart utility network, this proposed strategy is an effective deployment for the detection and prevention of electricity theft.

Keyword:Prevention, Detection, Smart Grid, Utility, Monkey Banana Deceptive Algorithm, Smart Electricity Meter, Cyber-Physical System.

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6. Allocation and Scheduling System of Emission Testing using Optical Character Recognition

Florence Jean B. Talirongan 1, Hidear Talirongan 2, Roseclaremath A. Caroro 3, Rolysent K. Paredes 4, Kenneth Largo 5, and Jasmine C. Dico 6


ABSTRACT: The scheduling system helped businesses in prioritizing tasks. However, emission centers are still using the manual scheduling of clients through an on-site visit without guaranteeing any available schedule. Hence, this study developed a system that allows vehicle owners to set an online schedule for their emission testing based on real-time schedule availability. The system used a Tesseract Optical Character Recognition (OCR) engine to scan the Certificate of Registration (CR) and Official Receipt (OR) images to extract CR and OR numbers. This approach assesses the authenticity of a vehicle’s ownership to avoid hoarding schedules for fraudulent reasons. Moreover, the system obtained an extraction accuracy rate of 63.33, and the stress testing on the website using resulted in 104ms average response time tested in 100 clients per second. The evaluation results show that the system provides the vehicle owners a convenient way of scheduling from the emission center without directly visiting the designated vehicle emission centers. Furthermore, the system’s assessment findings reveal that it is simple to use, user-friendly, and all its functions are completely functional, allowing clients to learn to navigate the system quickly.

Keyword: scheduling, emission, tesseract, OCR

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7. Hurdles Faced by Secondary Public School Teachers in their Professional Development Journey

Marianena P. Rama 1 and Jenyliza T. Ucang 2


ABSTRACT: Teachers are agents of curriculum and instruction. This requires teachers to pursue continuous professional development to maintain and enhance competence in teaching effectively. Their participation in a span of professional development programs is essential to both their professional and personal development. A case study research design was used to explore the challenges faced by public-school teachers in their pursuit of professional development. In-depth semi-structured interview to gather the data among the six public school teachers of Malaybalay City, Bukidnon was utilized through purposive sampling. The collected data were analyzed and interpreted using thematic analysis. The findings of this study uncovered the challenges they faced were overlapping of responsibilities, time constraints, financial constraints, misalignment of professional development attended, and health problems. Furthermore, understanding these realities of cases posed various implications for the professional development providers, policymakers and stakeholders to combat these challenges, and further evaluation of professional development to ensure that it is targeted appropriately and effectively. Also, further research is suggested to enrich the results and implication to the present study.

Keyword: challenges, financial constraints, overlapping of responsibilities, personal growth, professional development

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8. Adsorption and Isotherm Studies of Disperse Orange 44 Dye Using Iron Oxide Nanoparticles

Mohamed M. Hammam (a), Youssef Abdo (b), Hoda A. Elsawy (b)*


ABSTRACT: An overwhelming source of polluted water originates from chemical companies, with the textile industry being the most hazardous as it uses the most non-biodegradable organic dying compounds. These dyes are designed to resist decomposition, last for a very long time, and, if not removed, could harm the environment. This Research uses the adsorption technique to remove organic disperse orange 44 dye from water using hematite nanoparticles. Hematite used in the adsorption process is straightforward, affordable, and environmentally acceptable, this was accomplished through the precipitation method between iron nitrate salt and NaOH. Moreover, XRD, SEM, and FT-IR will be used to fully characterize the Hematite surface, the optimal parameters with the greatest color removal, was found to be at contact time of 150 min, pH value of 2, concentration of dye of 7 ppm, and adsorbent dosage of 0.15 grams, resulted in a removal of 85.57%. Moreover, Isotherm study was conducted on the adsorption process, and it's observed that adsorption best fit the Langmuir isothermal model more than Freundlich, Halsey, BET, and Dubinin-Radushkevich models.

Keyword: Orange 44 Dye, Adsorption, XRD, SEM, FT-IR, Hematite, Isotherm

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ABSTRACT: The aimed of the study was to create a workbook that would help students at the College of Nursing and Allied Health understand nursing leadership and management principles and competencies. The workbook was created to cover the ideas in the subject that are the least understood and utilized. The workbook's creation was evaluated by the researchers using NCM 119: Leadership and Management in Nursing as a case study. The workbook's contents are organized based on the subject's fundamentals, and its many learning exercises are in line with clinical practice. The workbook's supporters hope that in addition to imparting knowledge, it will enable students to build critical thinking and analysis abilities that will be useful while managing clients or patients in a variety of settings or clinical scenarios as a nurse manager or leader. Additionally, the researchers think that the workbook has the power to change students.

Keyword: workbook, leadership, management, student nurses

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ABSTRACT: This paper explores the metaphysical understanding of human being and being human. Many people feel that even to seek and comprehend existence and what it means to be human is a pointless attempt. It is metaphysically a complicated adventure. There is a need to strive and grasp reality and embrace the various facets of life because it will be of immense value to understand the basic values of life. Apprenticing of the positive and negative powers of creation allows one to choose wisely from the options. Being human requires balancing hundreds of extremes. Sometimes, we tend to resist these extremes, but at other times it appears like we have to follow them to grasp life better. The essence of the heart is when we fall together and emotions. Wherever reason is perfectly matched by emotions and where mind and body join in total harmony, a new quality springs out. This has nothing to do with emotion or purpose, but instead something greater and fuller. The comprehension of these principles gives us the answer to all of what is divine and natural. Many people find it difficult to consider greater pleasures than sensual pleasures. However, being human entails finding the finest beauty, the greatest quality of life, the absolute pleasure of living that arises when we are fully present, and life is in harmony somewhere deep into reality.

Keyword: Analysis, Human Being, Being Human, Comparative Review, Philosophy

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11. Exploring Social, Psychological and Environmental Factors in the Male-Female Risky Driving Behaviors Among College students in Saudi Arabia

Ahmed Nezar Kobeisy


ABSTRACT: Automobile driving for females in Saudi Arabia is a recent phenomenon. Traffic accidents in Saudi Arabia are significantly high compared to many other nations leading to injuries, permanent disabilities, and fatalities. Disparities between males and females in risky driving behaviors have been widely documented. Malefemale differences in these risky behaviors and their psychosocial factors in Saudi Arabia have yet to be examined. This study addresses this gap in literature. This study focuses on the risky driving behaviors among fulltime college students represented in a sample of N= 958 students, 808 males and 150 females. Understanding the underlying factors in risky driving behaviors is very important if the aim is to save lives and prevent injuries among this age group (15-34 years old) which represents 36.7 % of the total population of Saudi Arabia. The collected data were analyzed, and results were reported. The results revealed statistically significant male-female differences in risky driving behaviors and road traffic accidents. Psychosocial theories and review of literature were utilized to explain the results. These disparities are not unique to Saudi Arabia but rather represent global trends. Recommendations and future directions for the improvement of driving behaviors and reducing accidents among the study age group are presented which can in turn help in the improvement of quality of life, reduction of injuries, disabilities and fatalities among this particularly important age group of the Saudi population.

Keyword: risky; behaviors; driving; deviance; self-control; personality disorders

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ABSTRACT: Introduction: The objective of this study is to analyze the mechanisms of financial exclusion faced by rural women and identify strategies to improve their access to financial services. Methods: The research utilized an analytical method supported by data collection techniques including interviews, document analysis, surveys, free observation, and sampling. Two main sampling methods were employed: probabilistic (random) and non-probabilistic (empirical) methods. Data analysis involved statistical verification of results and discussions. Results: Demographics: Among the surveyed, 35.5% are women over 35 years old. The number of children supported by households increased from 0-3 children for 46% of respondents before accessing credit to 52.5% after accessing credit. The number of households with 3-6 children increased from 25.5% to 27.5%, while those with 6- 10 children decreased from 24% to 15%. This decrease is attributed to older children completing their studies and no longer being a financial burden. Meals: Before receiving credit, 53.6% of respondents had only one meal per day, which decreased to 15.5% after receiving credit. The proportion of households with two meals per day increased from 30% to 68.8%, and those with three meals per day increased from 27.5% to 29.5%. This indicates improved access to basic needs. Credit Allocation: 68% of respondents use credit for small-scale commerce. Regarding marital authorization, 50% of respondents did not obtain spousal permission before receiving credit, 68% did, and 32% did not inform their spouses. TGD requires spousal authorization and signature for credit approval. Credit Conditions: 7.5% of respondents find the credit conditions very easy, 23% find them easy, 15% find them difficult, and 54.5% find them very difficult. Guarantees: 18% of respondents use their salaries as collateral, 77% use solidarity guarantees, and 105% use mortgages or pledges. 19% of respondents positively rate TGD’s credit policy as good, 49.5% as fairly good, and 31.5% as poor. Client Wishes: 81% of respondents wish for TGD to strengthen the solidarity guarantee system, 11% request a different type of guarantee, and 8% prefer not to involve their husbands in credit decisions. Conclusion: To achieve the study’s objectives, an analytical method supported by various data collection techniques was used, including interviews, document analysis, surveys, and observations. Both probabilistic and nonprobabilistic sampling methods were applied. The results confirm the initial hypotheses. Improvements in credit access, particularly for poor rural women, were observed. Recommendations include enhancing the solidarity guarantee system and considering other forms of collateral to improve financial inclusion for rural women.

Keyword: Improvement, credit access, rural women, TGD microfinance institution.

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Archangel Taimu, Sabas Kimani, Nyambedha Josephine Apiyo


ABSTRACT: This article seeks to make a synthesis of Aquinas' transcendental attributes of being in the context of Bantu perspectives on personhood. In order to reach out to this goal, Aquinas’ transcendental attributes of Being will be investigated along with the Bantu perspectives on personhood. Aquinas outlines four basic transcendental attributes of being as one, true, good and beautiful. On the other hand, there are three persectives in understanding the Bantu's conception of personhood. This is described by Placid Tempels with the vital force thesis, John Mbiti with the communalism thesis and Alexis Kagame with the shadow thesis. Synthesising the ideas of Aquinas in the context of Bantu perspectives will bring out the intrinsic nature and value of a human person who has formerly being understood as one with body and soul, rational and having a social character. A human person as such is one who is first and foremost one, good, beautiful and true.

Keyword: Bantu, Transcendetals, Being, Perspectives, and Personhood.

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Minerva P. Granada, MAN, RN & Melody R. Alcantara, MAN, RN


ABSTRACT: The study was intended to explore the lived experiences of nurses in caring for COVID 19 patients and determine their level of readiness, preparedness and effectiveness which could be an input for implementing a nursing professional program for the nurses' workforce so they can thrive and flourish and are better able to provide a compassionate, high-quality and relevant care to patients infected with virus. In March, 2019, local health care system of the country was overwhelmed by the rapidly evolving pandemic caused by an outbreak of covid-19 virus. It was a sudden fearful situation in the hospital environment. There were increasing number of COVID-19 patients overcrowding the hospital wards and many died due to lack of resources particularly hospital facilities and equipment and unavailable anti-viral medications. The impact of the pandemic on the nursing workforce has been unprecedented and would be felt for a long time to come. The crisis had also laid bare and exacerbated longstanding problems faced by nurses Consortium, al. (2020, December 29). The study employed qualitative research with phenomenological approach which focuses on "how people interpret and construct their experiences, "(Merriam, 2009, p.5) It utilized observation, face to face and in – depth interviews to collect data from the participants. Face to face interview is essentially a qualitative data gathering technique to obtain a general background information about the topic of interest and used for sensitive subjects while in- depth interview focuses on the thought and meanings of experiences. It corresponds to the intellectual and emotional connections between the participants' life and work. Participants were chosen through purposive and purposeful sampling. Newly registered nurses and nurses who were recruited from their original wards were available and accessible. The 10 participants participated in semi-structured, in-depth interviews which were transcribed verbatim and analyzed using using Collaizzi's method with seven steps. Step 1, the transcript was read several times to understand the meanings conveyed, significant phrases were identified and restated them in general terms, formulated and validated meanings to reach consensus, identified and organized themes into clusters and categories and developed a full description of themes. Step 2, significant statements were extracted. Step 3, meanings were formulated from significant statements, step 4, created categories, cluster of themes and themes, step 5, findings were integrated into an exhaustive description, step 6, fundamental structures of the phenomena were described and step 7, validation of findings by the research participants.

Keyword: Holistic care, highly stressful environment, Significant emotional and psychological stress, Uncertainty, Stigmatization, Sense of helplessness, Strong nursing staff engagement, Professional Development Program

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